Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Final Assessment

Final Assessment

Over this year of Photo 1 I learned some things I never knew before. 

1. What do you know now that you did not on Feb. 1

I now know the science and history behind photography, the different kinds of ways to photograph and process images, the settings of camera's, and I know how to broaden my thoughts to make something beautiful.

2. Which project is your best work? why?

I would have to say that the infrared project was my best for the reason that it really allowed me to experiment with colors and how things look after some editing and that i got to use some of my many nature photos.

3.What types of photography and processes are your favorite? why?

I really like black and white photos because the photo lets you imagine the mood, usually when you see certain colors they affect your mood so black and white leaves it to your imagination to decide. 

4. What did you learn about yourself?

I learned that I shouldn't be afraid to express some of my ideas and to always stay creative and open minded

5. What were your challenges this semester?

My main challenge was getting assignments done and turned in. I would miss a turn in date then I would freak out about it and next thing you know i'm repeating the process.