Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Final Assessment

Final Assessment

Over this year of Photo 1 I learned some things I never knew before. 

1. What do you know now that you did not on Feb. 1

I now know the science and history behind photography, the different kinds of ways to photograph and process images, the settings of camera's, and I know how to broaden my thoughts to make something beautiful.

2. Which project is your best work? why?

I would have to say that the infrared project was my best for the reason that it really allowed me to experiment with colors and how things look after some editing and that i got to use some of my many nature photos.

3.What types of photography and processes are your favorite? why?

I really like black and white photos because the photo lets you imagine the mood, usually when you see certain colors they affect your mood so black and white leaves it to your imagination to decide. 

4. What did you learn about yourself?

I learned that I shouldn't be afraid to express some of my ideas and to always stay creative and open minded

5. What were your challenges this semester?

My main challenge was getting assignments done and turned in. I would miss a turn in date then I would freak out about it and next thing you know i'm repeating the process.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Messing with layers

I know this isn't the best but I am just kind of fiddling with layers

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Some Black & White photos I took while working on catching up on projects

Monday, March 10, 2014

Some photo problems...

So today I was going to post a ton of photos but for some reason I can't find my folder. This folder had over 30 pictures Ready to be posted but unfortunately it seems to no longer exist. I will re-create the folder and get all the photos posted in the next week hopefully.

Mid-Class Thoughts

While I sit in class thoughts come to me. Sometimes good, sometimes bad.
My first idea is about how photos can alter peoples moods, whether it makes a good impact is based on the photo. I think it's strange how simple colors affect our mood like how green is a more relaxing color, red can make you more irritable, and yellow makes you more nervous. Put them together in a photo and it creates a certain mood and feeling. For me personally pictures of fields and forests are my favorite kind of photos or even paintings. They are my favorite because they are very calming and relaxing. I really just find it to be the coolest thing how such simple things can change our entire state of mind. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Color Wheel

Question #2

Question: Which is more descriptive, a text that describes an event, or a photograph? Why?

Answer: I think the two combined gives the best description of an event, but if I had to choose I would go with text because a photo only says so much while text can give the full story. In some cases this is not true but most times text would cover the story best.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Things From Class

some parts from my face on sierras face

Parts from sierras face on mine

an image where i pixelated everything but my eyes and mouth

A heavily photoshopped image of my face rotting